200SMEChallenge (Hub Innovazione Trentino)

2022 European Year of Youth


Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) is a technology transfer foundation based in Trentino (Italy) that is leading the way in Europe in utilizing new formats to foster Open Innovation between research and industry, such as Innovation Challenges: initiatives that allow companies to rapidly source solutions to industrial problems by tapping into knowledge and contributions from professionals from outside the company, including university students and researchers.

Starting 2017 HIT has been running many formats of Innovation Challenges, among which the UX Challenge, a one week-long innovation contest during which digital and manufacturing companies can test, improve and innovate the User Experience of their products and services by means of the Design Sprint method.

In 2021 the UX Challenge has been replicated in 7 EU Countries in the context of a H2020 EU project 200SMEchallenge aimed at measuring the impact of the UX Challenge in SMEs. Thanks to an RCT – Randomized Control Trial study on 200 SMEs, the project demonstrated that the UX Challenge significantly increase the awareness of benefits and practical knowledge on how to implement user-centered design of digital products and services. A visual guide is now available for innovation agencies willing to host a UX Challenge.


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