Intelligent Cities Project

Green and Digital Transition


The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is a European Commission initiative bringing together 136 cities from across Europe and beyond to transform into intelligent, socially responsible and sustainable engines of economic recovery. The two-and-a-half-year programme builds on the previous success of the Digital Cities Challenge and ensures cities are equipped to lead the way of the green and digital transition.

The programme offers expert guidance from lead experts, networking opportunities and access to funding opportunities and more. Five thematic tracks and transversal services are used to guide cities towards as they become the drivers of their own transformational growth and develop strong local ecosystems. Valuable resources which contribute towards strengthening EU industry such as the Pragmatic Guide for Reskilling, Blueprint for Local Green Deals and Tech4Good Marketplace have been curated by ICC stakeholders.

You can discover the progress made by participating cities, follow #IntelligentCitiesChallenge on social media and on our website.

Belgium (EU)

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