Green and Digital Transition


The Advanced Materials&Manufacturing United for LightwEighT (AMULET) project is a HORIZON 2020 project that aims to exploit the innovation potential of SMEs through a cross-sectoral, funded knowledge exchange. The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains by fostering the penetration of advanced lightweight materials in different fields through cross-regional and cross-sectoral knowledge exchange in four sectors: automotive, aerospace and aeronautics, energy, and building.

Three types of activities will be implemented to foster innovation in SMEs. Firstly, R&D demonstration projects targeting current sectoral challenges will be developed to reach TRL7, following a competitive-based approach. Secondly, all SMEs participating in the project will receive technical training support and business-to-business coaching for accelerating the commercialization of their innovative solutions. These activities will create a unique self sustainable business framework, in which end-users and SMEs from established and new industrial supply chains will explore innovative lightweight-driven market opportunities.

The ultimate goal of AMULET is to significantly contribute to CO2 emissions reduction in the EU by boosting the role of SMEs, in which their innovations are expected to be facilitated & supported by clusters.


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