
Green and Digital New Business Models


GreenOffshoreTech - A Cluster Facilitated Project - Turning Good Ideas Into Business. Cross-border and Cross-sectoral collaboration to support SMEs and the development of innovative products, processes or services for Green Offshore Production and Transport.

GreenOffshoreTech aims to support innovation in SMEs and fostering the development of the emerging Blue Economy industries by enabling the emergence of new cross-sectorial and cross-border value chains based on shared challenges and the deployment of key enabling technologies. This will result from the translation of advanced technologies among 8 sectors with strong synergies: offshore wind energy, offshore aquaculture, offshore oil and gas, waterborne transport, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and environmental technologies.

GreenOffshoreTech will facilitate the creation of new products, processes or services with the ambition to make offshore production and transport greener, cleaner and modern towards a resource-efficient economy and EUs GreenDeal. GreenOffshoreTech’s consortium will provide a structured framework to implement this innovation action and undertake two kind of activities to support innovation to SMEs directly:

  1. Direct financial support to SMEs through a competitive Call of Proposal for innovation projects in relevant topics; and
  2. A range of dedicated and tailored Business Support Services to the winner SMEs.
Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Latvia, Poland and Iceland

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